Who are the Gutter Punks?

Yeah, you won’t have heard of them, they’re kinda underground.

They’re an unpretentious band of designers inspired by an eclectic mix of techno, marker pens and driven by a passion for calling out design wankery. Existing on the fringes of the Scottish graphic design scene they exist in the underrrated underground - a space open to all where judgement is based on morals, not how many followers you have. Gutter Punks present a week long fringe event hosting daily design fight- clubs, listening parties and guest talks, while also exhibiting work, selling “band” merch.

Along side @rachcartdesign, we designed the Gutter Punks branding. We fused our music influences with iconic graphic design motifs, and of course everything had to be in the iconic Napier red.

Award Winning Punks!

In 2023 Gutter Punks were lucky enough to win the Student Award at the Creative Edinburgh Awards Ceremony.


Concert Music Visuals


Secret 7"